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All posts by Ken Robbins

Ignored Metrics that Produce Long-Term Value

Ignored Metrics that Produce Long-Term Value

Monitor All Metrics – Even the Small Ones There are a ton of e-commerce marketing metrics that you’re constantly forced to pay attention to when it comes to your health brand. With the big players like click-through rate (CTR), return on advertising spending (ROAS), and average

Health Care Marketing Ideas

Best Health Care Marketing Ideas in 2020

Most articles that tout to offer up the “best healthcare marketing ideas” are little more than vapid blather. If the writer (no doubt some intern who just learned to copy/paste) had an inkling of what the best marketing strategies were, they would probably be in

Brilliant Heathcare Marketing

5 Examples of Brilliant Healthcare Marketing

What are some examples of Brilliant Healthcare marketing? 2020 has presented unique challenges for every industry, and Brilliant healthcare marketing has been tasked with rising to the challenge of both working the front lines of COVID-19 while continuing to provide for the everyday health needs