Is Your Health Brand on Mute?

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We see it every virtual meeting that happens later. A coworker’s mouth is moving, trying to get a word in during their Zoom meeting but all that is heard is silence until six other people blurt in unison “You’re on mute, John!”

Now your brand probably isn’t marketing to customers on Zoom while forgetting the “mute” button is on. But that doesn’t mean that you’re getting through the noise that you have to work hard to cut through. To be noticed in our digital-era with consumers who literally consume a myriad of content all day long. you have to be louder.

Don’t think it’s true? Here are three ways your brand is literally on mute to its customers and potential customers.

You’re saying nothing new or different than the competition

When you created your brand, what was your differentiator? If you never fully figured that out, now’s the time to do so!

McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s have been competitors for years. But when you think of the fast-food provider that reigns supreme when it comes to communication, who do you think of first? Well, if you stay up-to-date on social media, you’ll probably think of Wendy’s! 

Wendy’s found its voice through Twitter, where it has made itself stand out among its two biggest competitors. The company now has a whopping 3.7 million followers due to its distinctive and comedic brand voice. Sure, they all sell burgers and fries, but they all have different brand voices.

The same applies to a health brand — you can’t stay on mute or simply repeat the same message that your competition relays, just in different words. Take a stance, have a voice, and use it. For example, health brands can pick a subject like sustainable, American-made, simple or stake out some positioning it rallies messaging around. The options are there, choose wisely and purposefully.

You’re too focused on one channel

While it’s great to be a leader in a certain channel, you can’t only stick to one. Research shows that different audiences use different social media channels more than others. It’s been found that Millennials discover new products from Facebook, while Gen X and Gen Z both discover new products mostly from YouTube. Yet, Millennials and Gen X mostly follow brands on Facebook, while Gen Z follows brands on Instagram.

So if you’ve been doing well in search or with TV commercials. But you don’t find time to leverage other channels such as Youtube, Snapchat, or Pinterest. Then you are not reaching the potential customers that consume their content via these mediums. If you aren’t utilizing all the channels that you can, then you are silenced to consumers using the channels you don’t appear on.

You’re not compelling

Besides having your own unique brand voice. You must also ensure that the voice you’re using in your marketing content is reaching customers in an engaging and interesting way. It is not enough to share the reasons why your health product or service is superior.  “Made with simple ingredients” is not a compelling offer in and of itself.  “Our people are the difference in our sleep products” is useless and intangible. You need to be more specific.

“Made with natural ingredients that 87% of moms approve of” tells a different story. If you are getting more specific to your exact clientele and reaching into the depths of the why for the clients, then you will capture more attention. Consider developing content that shows your manufacturing process, or customer testimonials. These stories are often a way to break through and resonate with consumers.

Turn your health brand’s sound on

Stop muting your brand due to ineffective marketing. Make sure that you stand out to reach your customers where they want to find you, how they can find you. And with the what and why that they care about hearing in regards to your brand and your products.

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