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Category Archives: Health Consumers

Wellness Marketing

How to Sell More Health & Wellness Products With Status

Health and wellness products are one of the most lucrative industries, In 2021, it isn’t going to change much. Consumers are continuously looking for the next best product to aid in weight loss, maintain a healthy lifestyle, or provide improvements to their not so healthy

Health and Wellness Product

How to Improve Health and Wellness Products Marketing

As the pandemic has taken the world stage, the health and wellness products market has experienced an explosive boost in growth in 2020.  Now, the wellness industry is on pace to become a $5.54 trillion industry by 2022.  However, with such a rapid level of

Trends and predictions

Marketing 2021 Trends & Predictions

In preparation for a new year of growing sales, now is the time for health brands to start considering the market environment and asking themselves what 2021 holds. Consider the following trends and predictions when planning out your next year and land more sales. Rise

Customer Experience

Top Ways Health Organizations Improve the Customer Experience

How to improve the customer service experience Obviously, healthcare providers get it. We understand that the customer service experience should be foremost as a facet of our business and marketing focus. Source: And yet, healthcare organizations, as a categorical group, have been laggards when