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Increase Health Brand eCommerce Sales with a Landing Page Audit

eCommerce Landing Page

Presentation matters. As a health brand, you probably already know this. And for any business that’s trying to make eCommerce a success, your landing page audit is one of the most important elements. 

That’s why doing a regular landing page audit is critical. If you’ve never done one before, don’t worry about it. This article will break down the most essential steps to focus on, but before we get into all of this I want you to keep one number in mind — 2 percent. That’s the average number of sales you can expect to win over, even if you do everything exactly right. 

With a small health brand, you really can’t afford to lose any part of that.

What is a landing page audit?

Page audits take a look at your site from your customer’s perspective. The flow of a website is important for any company, but as an eCommerce brand, your focus should be on conversion — also known as conversion rate optimization (CRO). Page audits help to improve your CRO by taking key areas of your page into accounts, such as design, layout, content, and your checkout process. Effective and ongoing audits will ensure better user experience, now and in the future.

4 Essential Elements of a Page Audit

You can spend tons of time reading through blogs and downloading guides, to come up with the best way to audit your landing page. But in reality, the key is to keep it simple. There are endless deep dives you can do into these four elements (and you should), but making sure they’re in place at the most basic level is one of your number one priorities. 

1. Make an Offer

91 percent of redeemers said they’d revisit a retailer after being offered a coupon and countless other studies prove that consumers love the feeling of getting a good deal. What’s more, with tools like Google Analytics, you can get customized data about which offers work best for your health brand. In fact, combining offers in ads with content on your website is an important part of your web flow. More on that, later.

2. Call to Action

Your CTA can play a huge role in conversion. In one case study, the result of adding a sense of urgency to a CTA was a 332 percent increase in sales. While figuring out the right CTA can take some investigation, in general — CTAs need to be short, clear, and drive action.

3. Create Trust

Use client testimonies and user reviews to establish trust with new customers. 17 percent of customers abandoned their cart during an eCommerce experience because they didn’t trust the site they were shopping on with their credit card info. Of course, there’s more to building a relationship than proving a secure payment process. You also want to give people peace of mind that your products fulfill their designed purpose and that your customer support can back them up.

4. Build Flow

The flow of your website is really what brings all of the other elements together for complete user experience. For example, users are brought to your site through an ad promoting a special offer. They arrive at your landing page and clearly see that offer displayed, with a CTA below that allows them to instantly act. If they have any doubts about your company, a scroll of user reviews at the bottom helps reassure them about clicking on your CTA.

There are other things to consider here, as a seamless checkout experience. But having the foundations of your landing page in order will help make sure that your customers make it to the checkout.

Don’t turn content audits into a daunting task. And don’t be afraid to use tools like Google Analytics to measure the success of your efforts. Building and maintaining a health brand takes work, but the right set up will help you achieve your goals quicker.

Learn how to market your health and wellness offerings in 2020

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