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Health Consumer Segments

Consumer Segment

Regardless of the industry, there will always be a set of consumer segments that require your attention. Consumer segments are a group categorization of your target audience member – it practically allows marketers to communicate products or services depending on the belief and messaging that relates with them the most. 

What are the top Health Consumer Segments?

There are different ways you can group consumers, but I find the following to be the most straightforward and most realistic groups to target:

The category names and grouping can be switched based on what you believe to be essential segments, but the five above are pretty standard across all areas of health and wellness. 

Each group has a way in which they process information, and it’s essential to curate messages that are easily digestible to resonate with each group. 

Wellness Enthusiasts are those who are extremely into maintaining a healthy, nutritional lifestyle. You may find this group at a routine schedule to the gym and stores that offer all organic products. This segment may be easier to market because they are already looking for your products and services when shopping!

The educated and wealthy consumers are those who are not only financially stable but quick to research different topics. So, to impress this group, you have to have your facts together, and it’s great to have credit-worthy associations on your labels to bump up the likelihood of them purchasing your product or service. 

Ethical consumers are those who make purchases based on ethical standards. A perfect example of this category is those against animal cruelty, and hence only support items or services that stand against animal cruelty. They make decisions based on what is morally and ethically correct. 

Another group that most may forget about is the balanced believers. These individuals typically believe in living a balanced lifestyle. So, maybe they don’t buy organic food, but they may want to purchase exercise equipment with effective results. So, they live a balanced life, a perfect mix of healthy and carefree.

The last segment is the discouraged dieters. Many businesses that offer weight loss solutions typically target this group of individuals with marketing strategies that emphasize how their products can produce the best results. 

Now that I know the different segments, how do I know which ones to market?

You have to figure out the segments that will provide you the best ROI (return of investment). For example, suppose you know you have a product with many scientifically proven ingredients to assist in weight loss. In that case, technically, you could spend more time to market to the educated and wealthy segment. As well as the discourage dieters group.

Most segments can crossover because each individual is different and perceives messages a certain way. But, it’s imperative to make sure that when you communicate to audiences, you market in a way that makes them feel like your businesses is speaking directly to them. 

The process of researching which segment is best to target can be frustrating. But I can guarantee that it makes your marketing efforts worth it. 

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